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Calluna is a website for kids that encourages creativity. Laura Miller is the creator of Calluna and founder of Miller Kids University. The goal of Calluna is to explore creativity across many areas including art, writing, science, technology, cooking, and more. Creativity is a skill that you can improve on with time, practice, and effort. Watch our YouTube Channel for videos about Art and Creativity.


Why is the website called Calluna?

Creativity is about growing. Calluna is a type of plant also known as heather. It is a shrub that produces small flowers. The colorful bloom of calluna on a hillside is like an Impressionist painting with purple, pink, white, yellow, and green colors. 

  • Calluna Creativity

What is creativity?

Most people think creativity is about the arts like writing a story, painting a picture, or composing music. However, creativity is not just about the arts. Creativity simply means being able to come up with something new. It is the ability to think about new things or think in new ways.


Why is creativity important?

Creativity helps you to be curious, independent, balanced, and positive. Creativity makes life interesting and fulfilling. Creativity helps you to solve problems, think critically, deal with challenges, and come up with new ways to do things.


Who is creative?

Everyone is capable of creativity. You can make something, write something, think of an idea, and problem solve. Your creativity can be found in many different ways including school, work, hobbies, online, relationships, style, and more.  Some people are naturally more creative than others, but you can practice to be more creative.


How do I become a more creative person?

Reading, writing, learning, exploring, and playing are important  activities that lead to creativity. Be curious, try something new, believe that you can be creative, and don't worry about being perfect. Think of a difficulty as an opportunity to improve yourself. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying to create. Connect and work with other people to learn from them, help you with ideas, and increase your creativity. You may have creativity in ways you haven't thought of such as your ability to organize, arrange, design, or problem solve. 


What should I create?

Create things that please you, entertain you, and motivate you. You can create something in art, writing, science, technology, cooking, or any area that interests you. Whatever you create, let it be something you enjoy. Your finished product will reflect the joy you put into it. Don’t think that everything creative has to be big. Find creative ways to do something or make something better in little everyday things. Even small creative things you do can make a difference.


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